Friday, August 13, 2010

Resource and Ecological assessment of Riverside Punta reef fish sanctuary at Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte.

Phoebe Jean B. Gayanelo and Buenaflor D. Jimenez

Assessment of Riverside Punta Reef Fish Sanctuary, Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte as to its resource and impact on the environment was conducted from July to December 2005. Resource assessment was done using manta tow, intercept transect (LIT), fish visual census (FVC) and plankton analysis. The impact was evaluated through survey questionnaires for all fisherfolks.
Manta tow showed that that the general condition of the reef was poor, with less coral cover (9%) and with more sand and abiotic cover. Seven genera of corals comprising 5 families were identified namely: Agarciidae, Caryophiliidae, Faviidae, Pocilloporidae and Poritidae. FVC yields 17 species of fishes representing 15 genera and 11 families. Plankton analysis showed Bacillariophyta to have the highest species diversity with 15 genera among the various taxa among the different taxa of the phytoplankton observed. Of the zooplankton, crustaceans were the most dominant (6 genera).
Results of the survey showed positive response of fishing and livelihood of the fishermen by increasing their fish catch and decreasing efforts spent on fishing and that they are supporting the presence of the fish sanctuary. The establishment of fish sanctuary has clearly protected the area from further exploitation through restriction of fishing inside the sanctuary.

39th Annual Convention of the Federation of Institutions for Marine and Freshwater Sciences. 29-31 October 2007. Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City. Leyte

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